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November 7, 2022


PUBLIC CONTRACTS. Special public procurement measures


Decree-Law No. 78/2022. Concerning public procurement, and the simplification of administrative procedures necessary for the pursuit of research and development activities.



  1. Articles 2 to 7 and 19 da Law No. 30/2021, of May 21, which approves special public procurement measures;

  2. Articles 24th, 29th, 42nd, 54th-A, 70th, 72nd, 75th, 146th, 295th, 335th, 370th, 397th. º, 444.º, 451.º, 456.º and 457.º of the Public Contracts Code, approved in annex to Decree-Law No. 18/2008, of January 29, in its current version (CCP); and

  3. Article 3 of Decree-Law No. 60/2018, of 3 August, which simplifies the administrative procedures necessary for carrying out research and development activities.

  4. ​

The regime established in article 2.º-A Law No. 30/2021, of May 21, with the wording introduced by this Decree-Law, is reassessed until December 31, 2026.


Revokes item d) of article 2 Law No. 30/2021, of May 21; and paragraph e) of paragraph 6 of article 42 of the PCC.


This Decree-Law enters into force on the first working day of the month following its publication, and is only applicable to public procurement procedures that begin after its entry into force and to contracts concluded under these procedures, without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 2 of article 27 da Law No. 30/2021, of 21 May, regarding amendments to article 370 of the CCP.


Diário da República n.º 214/2022, Série I, of November 7, 2022.



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November 7, 2022




Ordinance No. 268-A/2022. Revision and setting of tax rates on petroleum and energy products.


This Ordinance enters into force on November 7, 2022 and takes effect until December 4, 2022.


Diário da República n.º 213/2022, 1st Supplement, Series I, of November 4, 2022.



November 7, 2022




Ordinance No. 268-A/2022. Revision and setting of tax rates on petroleum and energy products.


This Ordinance enters into force on November 7, 2022 and takes effect until December 4, 2022.


Diário da República n.º 213/2022, 1st Supplement, Series I, of November 4, 2022.



November 7, 2022


PUBLIC CONTRACTS. Special public procurement measures


Decree-Law No. 78/2022. Concerning public procurement, and the simplification of administrative procedures necessary for the pursuit of research and development activities.



  1. Articles 2 to 7 and 19 da Law No. 30/2021, of May 21, which approves special public procurement measures;

  2. Articles 24th, 29th, 42nd, 54th-A, 70th, 72nd, 75th, 146th, 295th, 335th, 370th, 397th. º, 444.º, 451.º, 456.º and 457.º of the Public Contracts Code, approved in annex to Decree-Law No. 18/2008, of January 29, in its current version (CCP); and

  3. Article 3 of Decree-Law No. 60/2018, of 3 August, which simplifies the administrative procedures necessary for carrying out research and development activities.

  4. ​

The regime established in article 2.º-A Law No. 30/2021, of May 21, with the wording introduced by this Decree-Law, is reassessed until December 31, 2026.


Revokes item d) of article 2 Law No. 30/2021, of May 21; and paragraph e) of paragraph 6 of article 42 of the PCC.


This Decree-Law enters into force on the first working day of the month following its publication, and is only applicable to public procurement procedures that begin after its entry into force and to contracts concluded under these procedures, without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 2 of article 27 da Law No. 30/2021, of 21 May, regarding amendments to article 370 of the CCP.


Diário da República n.º 214/2022, Série I, of November 7, 2022.



November 4, 2022




Declaration of Rectification No. 6/2022/A. Rectify Regional Regulatory Decree No. 17/2022/A, of 8 September, which regulates the attribution of financial incentives for the acquisition and installation of solar photovoltaic systems to be installed in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Plan, known as «SOLENERGE».


Diário da República n.º 213/2022, Série I, of November 4, 2022.



November 4, 2022




Order No. 12783/2022. Authorizes the creation of the Azores Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration Centre.


The Azores Consumer Information, Mediation and Arbitration Center (CIMARA) aims to resolve consumer disputes, through conciliation, mediation or arbitration, referring to contracts concluded within the respective geographic scope - the Autonomous Region of the Azores Azores, including conflicts arising from distance or off-premises contracts, in cases where the consumer resides in their geographical area.


Diário da República n.º 213/2022, Série II, of November 4, 2022.



November 3, 2022


BIOMASS CENTERS. Production and exploration licenses


Ordinance No. 267/2022. Establishes the instructive elements of applications for production licenses and operating licenses for biomass power plants covered by Decree-Law No. 64/2017, of June 12, in its current version; the instructive elements of the request for the issuance of the binding opinion of the Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests, IP (ICNF, IP), on the availability of the biomass resource to be exploited by the plants referred to in the previous paragraph; and the bidding procedure to be promoted by the General Directorate of Energy and Geology (DGEG) when the set of requests submitted for the installation and operation of the power plants referred to in subparagraph a) exceeds the injection capacity in the Public Service Electrical Network (RESP) established.


Revokes a Ordinance No. 76/2021, of April 1 ;This Ordinance enters into force on the day following its publication.


Diário da República n.º 212/2022, Série I, of November 3, 2022.



November 3, 2022




Judgment of the Supreme Court of Justice n.º 8/2022. The Supreme Court of Justice decides that the burden of proof, duty to inform and causal link of the financial intermediary, within the scope of pre-contractual or contractual civil liability, under the terms of articles 7, paragraph 1, 312. , n.º 1, item a), and 314.º of the Portuguese Securities Code, in the wording prior to that introduced by Decree-Law No. 357-A/2007, of October 31, and 342.º, nº 1, of the Civil Code.


Diário da República n.º 212/2022, Série I, of November 3, 2022.


November 2, 2022




Ordinance No. 265/2022. Amends articles 9, 12-A, 120 and 256 of the Specific Regulation for the Field of Social Inclusion and Employment, approved in annex Ordinance No. 97-A/2015, of March 30.


This Ordinance enters into force on the day following its publication.


Diário da República n.º 211/2022, Série I, of 2 November 2022.


November 2, 2022


CYBERSECURITY. National Cyber Defense Strategy


Resolution of the Council of Ministers n.º 106/2022. Approves the National Cyber Defense Strategy.


This Resolution enters into force on the day following its publication.


Diário da República n.º 211/2022, Série I, of 2 November 2022.


October 28, 2022




Declaration of Rectification No. 28/2022. rectify the Decree-Law No. 66-A/2022, of September 30, which determines the cessation of validity of published decree-laws, within the scope of the COVID-19 disease pandemic.


Diário da República No. 209/2022, Series I, of October 28, 2022.


October 28, 2022


RENT UPDATE 2023. Urban Lease (NRAU). Rural lease (NRAR)


Notice No. 20809-A/2022. Discloses the coefficient provided for in article 24 of Law no. 6/2006, of 27 February, which approves the New Urban Lease Regime (NRAU), and in no. 5 of article 11 of the Decree-Law 294/2009, of 13 October, which approves the New Rural Leasing Regime (NRAR).


Diário da República n.º 209/2022, 1st Supplement, Series II, of October 28, 2022.


October 25, 2022




Order No. 12431-A/2022. Extends Order No. 5793-A/2020, of May 26, on the implementation of a simplified procedure for processing applications for granting a residence permit.


This Order takes effect from October 1, 2022.


Diário da República n.º 205/2022, 2nd Supplement, Series II, of October 24, 2022.


October 25, 2022




Order No. 12461/2022. Sets the social tariff for the supply of electricity, applicable from January 1, 2023.


The discount to be applied on tariffs for access to electricity networks, applicable from 1 January 2023, provided for in paragraph 2 of article 198 of Decree-Law no. 15/2022, of 14 January, must correspond to an amount that allows a discount of 33.8% on the transitional tariffs for sales to final electricity customers, excluding VAT, other applicable taxes, contributions, fees and interest.


Diário da República n.º 206/2022, Série II, of October 25, 2022.



October 25, 2022




Decree-Law No. 73/2022. It provides for new deadlines for submitting applications for the installation and operation of new biomass recovery plants and reformulates the terms of the respective assessment and decision procedures.


Amends articles 1.º, 2.º, 2.º -A, 3.º, 3.º -A, 5.º, 6.º and 6.º-A of Decree-Law n.º 64/2017 , of 12 June, amended by Decree-Law No. 120/2019, of 22 August, which approves the regime for new forest biomass plants.


Adds article 6.º-B to Decree-Law no. 64/2017, of 12 June, in its current wording.


Republishes, in annex, Decree-Law No. 64/2017, of 12 June, in the wording introduced by this diploma.


This Decree-Law comes into force on the day following its publication.


Diário da República No. 205/2022, Series I, of October 24, 2022.



October 25, 2022




Resolution of the Council of Ministers n.º 96/2022. Determines the termination of validity of Council of Ministers Resolutions published within the scope of the COVID-19 disease pandemic.



October 21, 2022


IRS. IRC. CURRENCY DEVALUATION COEFFICIENTS. Assets and rights alienated 2022


Order No. 12322/2022. Decree-Law No. 9/2021, of January 29, which came into force on July 28, 2021, approved the Legal Regime for Economic Offenses (RJCE), having made the second amendment to the access and exercise regime of the coaching activity, approved by Law n.º 40/2012, of August 28, amended by Law n.º 106/2019, of September 6, classifying the offenses provided for therein as economic, serious or very serious.


This Order establishes the table of costs in administrative offense proceedings subject to the Legal Regime for Economic Offenses.


Diário da República n.º 204/2022, Série II, of October 21, 2022.



October 20, 2022


IRS. IRC. CURRENCY DEVALUATION COEFFICIENTS. Assets and rights alienated 2022


Ordinance No. 253/2022. Updates the currency devaluation coefficients to be applied to assets and rights sold during 2022.


Currency devaluation coefficients to be applied to assets and rights sold during 2022, whose value must be updated pursuant to articles 47 of the IRC Code and 50 of the IRS Code, for the purpose of determining the matter taxable amount of said taxes, are those set out in the table attached to the Ordinance.


Diário da República No. 203/2022, Series I, of October 20, 2022.



October 19, 2022




Decree-Law No. 72/2022. Adds articles 4.º-A and 4.º-B Decree-Law No. 30-A/2022, of 18 April, which approves exceptional measures aimed at ensuring the simplification of energy production procedures from renewable sources.


This Decree-Law comes into force on the day following its publication.


Diário da República n.º 202/2022, Série I, of October 19, 2022.



October 17, 2022


NOISE. LISBON AIRPORT. Exceptional Regime.


Ordinance No. 252-A/2022. Creates an exceptional and temporary regime for the operation of aircraft at Humberto Delgado Airport (Lisbon).

The exceptional regime provided for in this diploma applies during the time period strictly necessary to ensure the process of changing the air traffic management system, starting on October 18th and not extending beyond November 28th, 2022 .

This Ordinance enters into force on the day following its publication.


Diário da República n.º 200/2022, 1st Supplement, Series I, of October 17, 2022.



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